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Office Of The Director General of Police,
State Police Headquarters,
Sikkim Police



"Over the decades, Sikkim Police has progressively and successfully carved a niche for itself in the country and emerged as a benchmark institution in Policing standards. It has been our constant endeavor to present ourselves before the community as a responsible guardian of citizen's interests.
The reputation painstakingly built and the standards achieved in the delivery of services need to be sustained and carried forward in time. This is possible only through the exercise of invigorating our reflexes and resources and laying of a framework for wider participation of all the stakeholders.
While the modernization and capacity building pursuits add thrust to our delivery capabilities, we expect that the new and updated website would facilitate interactive interface and flow of feedback for maintaining 'relevance' of our pursuits to the stakeholders.
To my fellow colleagues, I extend warm greetings and assurance of creating an enabling environment for professional discharge of your responsibilities. Together we will be able to pool our individual commitments to the society and create a culture within the organization which is satisfying to us and at the same time fulfill the organizational goals.

I call upon all the visitors to the site to derive greatest value from the service on offer through our website and spare time to extend constructive feedback for upgrading and adding value to our people friendly initiatives.
I call upon you to join the efforts to elevate the underlying theme of 'Protect & Serve' to acquire a new meaning and value in the context of a rapidly transforming Sikkimese society."

With best wishes,




Akshay Sachdeva, IPS

Director General of Police