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Office Of The DGP,
State Police Headquarters,
Sikkim Police

Sikkim Police has prepared this Citizens’ Charter with a view to provide transparency in its activities, making the Police personnel more responsible and answerable to the people they serve and for ensuring that the objectives, values, priorities and commitments it strives to attain will be fulfilled. It aims at creating credibility for the Police Force among the people. It seeks to create an image of the Police as a reliable arm of the law to whom the common citizens can turn to without any fear or apprehension. It is hoped that the Citizens’ Charter will garner the trust of the common people and establish faith in the service that the Sikkim Police renders to them so that the citizens do not hesitate to approach the Police.

Director General of Police

We can be contacted in the manner mentioned below:
(a) Physical Access All citizens can approach the Senior Police Officers at the Police Headquarters at Gangtok or the Superintendents of Police in the Districts in person for the redressal of their grievances.
(b) Correspondence Any citizen can address any Senior Police Officer in writing with proper identification through post or letter delivered by hand.
(c) Telephone Any person who is unable to visit the Police Station in person can have access to Police on telephone.
In the capital, you can contact the main town Police Station (Sadar PS, Gangtok) by dialing 100, 202022 or 202033. The Police Stations located along the National Highway (NH 10) can be contacted at the following members:
Ranipool Police Station - 251712/251718 (STD Code – 03592)
Singtam Police Station - 233762 (STD Code – 03592)
Rangpo Police Station - 240835 (STD Code – 03592)
(d) Internet Access Any citizen is welcome to contact us through email at:
i) E-mail-Police Control Room:
ii) E-mail-DGP Sikkim:

CRIME BRANCH (Telephone No. 03592-202087)
The Crime Branch CID of Sikkim Police functions at the Police Headquarters, Gangtok under the supervision of an Additional D.G.P. and deals with specialized cases. The functions of Criminal Investigation Department are:
1. Investigation of specialized cases and cases entrusted to the CID by the DGP or the State Government.
2. Maintenance, updating and use of Crime and Criminal Information System, Planning and Implementation of Criminal Intelligence and Crime Analysis to improve investigation and prosecution.
3. Coordination of Investigations within the State and with other State Police Organizations and National Level Organizations dealing with Crime Investigation.
4. The Crime Branch undertakes Character Antecedents. Verification of all State Government Employees. It also undertakes CA verification of employees of Private companies operating in Sikkim as and when required.

SPECIAL BRANCH (Telephone No. 03592-231345)
One of the principal duties of the Police is collection of intelligence with a view to maintain peace, order and prevention and detection of crime. At the State level, the Special Branch maintains the records and disseminates timely information to avert breach of peace, threat to security and public order. The Branch is headed by an Officer of the rank of Addl. Director General of Police assisted by an IG/SSP/SP and other officers.

The Special Branch is responsible for verification of Character and antecedents for issue of Certificate of Identification and any other such verification referred to it by other agencies, i.e. Passport, arms, service, societies, NGOs, etc.

The Government of India regulates the entry and departure of every foreigner in India. The Foreigners Act 1946 and the Rules made there under provide the regulatory code of conduct for foreigners. The Superintendent of Police, Special Branch, Gangtok is the Foreigners Registration Officer for the State of Sikkim. The entire State of Sikkim is under the Restricted Area/Protected Area regime under the Foreigners (Restricted Areas) Order, 1963 and Foreigners (Protected Areas) Order, 1958. Foreigners can not enter or stay in the State of Sikkim without obtaining permit from the competent authority. At present, foreigners can visit the following places in the State after obtaining permit from the competent authority:-
1. Gangtok
2. Rumtek
3. Tsangu
4. Rhenock
5. Pakyong
1. Pemayangtse
2. Khechopari
3. Zongri
1. Phodong
2. Mangan,Singhik
3. Toong, Chungthang and Yumthang
The authority competent to issue permits to Foreigners to visit Sikkim include MHA, all FROs, all Indian Missions abroad, Immigration Officers at Air ports at Mumbai, Kolkata, Chennai and New Delhi, Chief Secretary/Home Secretary, Secretary Tourism, Govt. of Sikkim, IG of Police, Gangtok, Asst. Director, Tourism, Sikkim, New Delhi, Asst. Resident Commissioner, Govt. of Sikkim, Calcutta, Tourism Officer, Rangpo, Deputy Commissioner, Darjeeling, Deputy Secretary/ Under Secretary, Home, Govt. of West Bengal, Kolkata. The permissible duration of stay by foreigners would be 15 days initially with the State Government authorized to extend the same by a further period of 45 days in installments of 15 days each by FRO/ Gangtok as well as by the Superintendent of Police/ South, West and North Districts.

The point of entry and departure for foreigners in the State are as follows:
I. Rangpo, (East Distt.)
II. Melli, (South Distt.)
III. Ramam, (West Distt.)
The nationals of Pakistan, Bangladesh, China, Myanmar and Nigeria will, however, require the prior approval of the Ministry of Home Affairs, Govt. of India to visit Sikkim.

The Director General of Police is the Licensing Authority for Arms in the State. In this regard, he is assisted by the ADGP (or IGP/HQ) and AIGP (SP)/HQ and the Arms Section at Police Headquarters. The Licensing Authority gets the character and antecedent verified through the District Superintendents of Police and Officers-in-Charge of the Police Stations.

FIRE & EMERGENCY SERVICE (Telephone No. 03592-202748/203732)
The Sikkim Fire Brigade was established at Gangtok with one Nissan that doubled up as a Water Tender and 10 General Duty Policemen. Today, the Sikkim Fire & Emergency Services comprises of 08 Fire Stations with 14 Water Tenders covering all the districts of the State. The force consists of 05 Station Fire Officers (FSO), 08 Sub-Fire Officers (SFO), 11 Assistant Sub-Fire Officers (ASFO), and other Fire personnel. At present, all the Fire Stations are located in buildings belonging to the department except for the two fire stations at Jorethang & Gyalzing. In addition to the existing Fire Station, new fire stations are earmarked for Soreng, Melli, Chungthang, Rongli, Rhenock and Daramdin/Sombaria under the Eleventh Five Year Plan. Location of Fire Stations in the State.
Sl. No. Name Address Telephone No.
1. Fire Station, Gangtok P.S. Road 03592-101, 202001
2. Fire Station, Singtam Traffic Point, 31-A NH 03592-233722
3. Fire Station, Rangpo Beside Police Station, 03592-240155
4. Fire Station, Namchi Below DAC Complex 03595-263888
5. Fire Station, Jorethang Housing Colony 03595-257327
6. Fire Station, Ravangla Kewzing Road 03595-2607827
7. Fire Station, Gyalzing Near Sanskrit Vidyalaya,Kyongsa 03595 250810
8. Fire Station, Mangan Below DAC Complex, 03592-234266 Phentok

CHECK POST POLICE (Telephone No. 03592-201011/201419)
The Check Post Police was established to patrol the border areas and prevent infiltration from across the borders. The Check Post Police set up in Sikkim consists of 10 Check-Posts and 5 Picket-posts, Check-Post Hqrs. and the posts are manned by Sikkim Police personnel. All expenses incurred in the maintenance of these Check-Posts are borne by the Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India through reimbursements to the Government of Sikkim at the end of the financial year, on submission of Audit Certificate issued by the office of Accountant General, Sikkim. The Check-Posts and Picket-posts are located on the following international borders:
(i) Indo-Tibet Border in the North and East Districts,
(ii) Indo-Nepal Border in the West District,
(iii) Indo-Bhutan Border in the East District.

The Check-Posts and Picket-Posts manned by Sikkim Police are:-
1. Chungthang CP/PS
i)Toong PP
2. Lachung CP/PS
i) Shiva Mandir PP
3. Lachen CP/PS
i)Thangu PP
ii) Mugothang PP
iii)Tsolhamu PP
1. Sherathang CP/PS
i) 3rd Mile PP
ii) 15th Mile PP
iii) Tamzey PP
iv) Tsangu P.A.B.
2. Kupup CP/PS
i) Lingtam PP
ii) Phadamchen PP
iii) Gnathang PP
Uttaray C.P/PS
i) Chewabanzang CP

The basic functions of the Check-post police are as follows:-
1. To restrict entry of unauthorized person(s) into the Restricted and Protected Areas.
2. To check/regulate the flow of people carrying valid permits into Restricted and Protected Areas.
3. To conduct regular checks and census of people who are permanent residents of Restricted and Protected Areas having valid resident permits.
4. Obtain intelligence on any activities, which are illegal and compromise the Security of India.
5. Prevent people from crossing the International Borders.
6. Prevent infiltration into Sikkim from Neighboring Countries.
7. To carry out regular patrolling of Border.

POLICE CONTROL ROOM (Telephone No.03592-202892/201566)
The Sikkim Police Control Room is located on the ground floor of the PHQ. The Sikkim Police Control Room functions as an effective co-ordination, control and response mechanism. It is the nerve centre of Police operations in the State. It is intended to enable the public to contact the Police in urgent cases and obtain assistance immediately. The Sikkim Police Control Room is manned on a 24 hour basis under the command of a Gazetted Police Officer.

Sikkim has 4 districts and the District Police is headed by a District Superintendent of Police. The overall supervision of the Police Stations in the Districts rests with the respective Superintendents of Police. Prevention, investigation and detection of crime as also maintenance of law &order are the important functions of the District Police. The District Superintendent of Police supervises the Sub-divisions and Police Stations under his/her control.

SP/EAST - (03592) 284416

SP/NORTH - (03592) 234242

SP/WEST - (03595) 250763

SP/SOUTH - (03595) 263726/264630

a) The power to arrest without a warrant should be exercised only after a reasonable satisfaction is reached, after some investigation, as to the genuineness and bonafides of a complaint and a reasonable belief as to both the person's complicity as well as the need to affect arrest.
b) Arrest cannot be justified merely on the existence of power, as a matter of law, to arrest without a warrant in a cognizable case.
c) The question whether the power of arrest has been exercised reasonably or not is clearly a justiciable one.
d) Arrest in cognizable cases may be considered justified in one or other of the following circumstances:
(i) The case involves a grave offence like murder, dacoity, robbery, rape etc., and it is necessary to arrest the suspect to prevent him from escaping or evading the process of law.
(ii) The suspect is given to violent behavior and is likely to commit further offences.
(iii) The suspect requires to be prevented from destroying evidence or interfering with witnesses or warning other suspects who have not yet been arrested.
(iv) The suspect is a habitual offender who, unless arrested, is likely to commit similar or further offences.
e). Except in heinous offences, as mentioned above, an arrest must be avoided if a police officer issues notice to the person to attend the police station and not leave the station without permission.
f). The power to arrest must be avoided where the offences are bailable unless there is a strong apprehension of the suspect absconding.
g). Police officers carrying out an arrest or interrogation should bear clear identification and name tags with designation. The particulars of police personnel carrying out the arrest or interrogation should be recorded contemporaneously, in a register kept at the police station.

1. As a rule use of force should be avoidable while affecting arrest. However, in case of forcible resistance to arrest minimum force to overcome such resistance may be used. However, care must be taken to ensure that injuries to the person being arrested, visible or otherwise, is avoided.
2 That the police officer carrying out the arrest of the arrestee shall prepare a memo of arrest at the time of arrest and such memo shall be attested by at least one witness, who may be either a member of the family of the arrestee or a respectable person of the locality from where the arrest is made. It shall also be counter signed by the arrestee and shall contain the time and date of arrest.
3 The dignity of the person being arrested should be protected. Public display or parading of the person arrested should not be permitted at any cost.
4 Searches of the person arrested must be done with due respect to the dignity of the person, without force or aggression and with care for the person's right to privacy. Searches of women should only be made by other women officers with strict regard to decency.
5. The use of handcuffs or leg chains should be avoided and if at all, it should be resorted to strictly in accordance with the law.
6 A person who has been arrested or detained and is being held in custody in a police station or interrogation center or other lock-up, shall be entitled to have one friend or relative or other person known to him or having interest in his welfare being informed, as soon as practicable, that he has been arrested and is being detained at the particular place, unless the attesting witness of the memo of arrest is himself such a friend or a relative of the arrestee.
7. The time, place of arrest and venue of custody of an arrestee must be notified by the police where the next friend or relative of the arrestee lives outside the district or town, through the Legal Aid Organization in the District and the police station of the area concerned telegraphically within a period of 8 to 12 hours after the arrest.
8. The person arrested must be made aware of the above right to have someone informed of his arrest or detention as soon as he is put under arrest or is detained.
9. An entry must be made in the diary at the place of detention regarding the arrest of the person which shall also disclose the name of the next friend of the person who has been informed of the arrest and the names and particulars of the police officials in whose custody the arrestee is.
10. As far as is practicable, women police officers should be associated where the person or persons being arrested are women. The arrest of women between sunset and sunrise should be avoided.
11. The arrestee should, where he so requests, be also examined at the time of his arrest and major and minor injuries, if any present on his/her body, must be recorded at that time. The "Inspection Memo" must be signed both by the arrestee and the police officer effecting the arrest and its copy provided to the arrestee.
12. Where children or juveniles are sought to be arrested, no force or beatings should be administrated under any circumstances. Police officers, may for this purpose, associate respectable citizens so that the children or juveniles are not terrorized and minimal coercion is used.
13. Where the arrest is without a warrant, the person arrested has to be immediately informed of the grounds of arrest in a language, which he or she understands. Again, for this purpose, the police, if necessary may take the help of respectable citizens. These grounds must have already been recorded in writing in police records. The person arrested should be shown the written reasons as well and also given a copy on demand.
14. Apart from informing the person arrested of the above rights, the police should also inform him of his right to consult and be defended by a lawyer of his choice. He should also be informed that he is entitled to free legal aid at state expense.
15. When the person arrested is brought to the police station, he should, if he makes a request in this regard, be given prompt medical assistance. He must be informed of his right. Where the police officer finds that the arrested person is in a condition where he is unable to make such request but is in need of medical help, he should promptly arrange for the same. This must also be recorded contemporaneously in a register. The female requesting for medical help should be examined only by a female registered medical practitioner.
16. Information regarding the arrest and the place of detention should be communicated by the police officer effecting the arrest without any delay to the police control room and District/State Headquarters. There must be a monitoring mechanism working round the clock.
17. The information regarding the arrest and the place of custody of the arrestee shall be communicated by the officer causing the arrest to the District Control Room and Police Control Room within 12 hours of effecting the arrest. Further at District/Central Police Control Room, it should be displayed on a day-to-day basis at a conspicuous place on a notice board. Every police station shall also display the details of arrestees at a conspicuous place for the knowledge of the public.
18. As soon as the person is arrested, police officer affecting the arrest shall make a mention of the existence or non-existence of any injury(s) on the person of the arrestee in the register of arrest. If an any injuries are found on person of the arrestee, full description and other particulars as to the manner in which the injuries were caused should be mentioned in the register, which entry shall also be signed by the police officer and the arrestee. At the time of release of the arrestee, a certificate to the above affect under the signature of the police officer shall be issued to the arrestee.
19. If the arrestee has been remanded to police custody under the orders of the court, the arrestee should be subjected to the medical examination by a trained Medical Officer every 48 hours during his detention in custody by a doctor on the panel of approved doctors appointed by Director, Health Services of the concerned State or Union Territory. At the time of his release from the police custody, the arrestee shall be got medically examined and a certificate shall be issued to him stating wherein the factual position of the existence or non-existence of any injuries on his person.
20. Copies of all the documents including the memo of arrest, referred to above, should be sent to the jurisdictional Magistrate for his record.

(i) The person under arrest must be produced before the appropriate court within 24 hours of arrest.
(ii) The person arrested should be permitted to meet his lawyer at any time during the interrogation.
(iii) The interrogation should be conducted in a clearly identifiable place, which has been notified for this purpose by the Govt. The place must be accessible and the relatives or friend of the person arrested must be informed of the place where interrogation is taking place.
(iv) The methods of interrogation must be consistent with the recognized rights to life, dignity and liberty and right against torture and degrading treatment.

"Human Rights" means the right to life, liberty, equality and dignity as guaranteed by the Indian Constitution. Every human being is entitled to certain natural rights by virtue of his being a member of human society. These rights are called human rights. The supreme court while interpreting Article 21 of the Constitution of India emphasized that a human being has not only a right to live but has a fundamental right to live with dignity and it is the duty of every other human being to respect that right.
As founder member of United Nations Organizations, India is a party to "the Universal Declaration of Human Rights 1948". India also ratified the two international conventions on.
(a) Civil and Political Rights and (b) Economics, Social and Cultural Rights. These Universal Declarations of Rights (1948) were incorporated as fundamental rights in the Indian Constitution listed in Article 14 to 32. Some of the important among them are:
i. Right of every citizen, of equality before law and equal protection of laws.
ii. Right to freedom of speech.
iii. Right to assemble peacefully and without arms.
iv. Right to form Unions.
v. Right not to be prosecuted and convicted for any offence except for violation of law in force at the time of committing the offence.
vi. Right not to be compelled to be a witness against himself.
vii. Right not to be deprived of his life and liberty except according to procedure established by law.
viii. Right not to be arrested with out informing the grounds and to be produced before a magistrate as early as possible but not later than 24 hours.
ix. Right to consult any one of his choice on his arrest.
x. Right to defend himself against any allegation, and
xi. Right to seek redressal by way of writs for any of the above violations made against him.

(a). When a cognizable case is presented, it should be registered forth-with by the Officer – in - Charge, furnishing a copy free of cost.
(b). Render immediate medical aid by moving him to hospital if he is injured.
(c). Protect him from further danger if necessary.
(d). Inform the stages of investigation form time to time as a duty.
(e). Do not make the complainant go round the police station that he feels that he is being harassed more by the police than the accused.
(f). Furnish the necessary documents to the victim or his legal heirs of accident cases free of cost, to enable them to claim compensation in tribunals.
(g). Do not ask the complainant to go to the jurisdictional police station if they approach the wrong police station. Register the case and transfer it.
(h). Let the complainant feel free when he represents his case and not frighten him to give a wrong impression that the police are not his friends.

(a). Examine witnesses at their place and do not call them to police station unless it is difficult or impractical.
(b). Examine women and children at their places of residence.
(c). To be dealt in a courteous manner.
(d). Child witnesses should be handled with special care.

a. Women shall be shown special treatment wherever they interface with the system whether as complainants, victims, accused, witnesses or inmates of institutions, giving respect for gender dignity and hesitative concern for women.
b. In case of arrest, they will be kept in separate lock up from the men.
c. Recognizing the children of custodialised women as innocent, the State shall conscientiously respect the rights and privileges of the children accompanying the women in custody.
d. Women shall be arrested only in case of absolute necessity and only between sun rise and sunset, except in exceptional cases.
f. Arrests and search of women including interrogation shall be conducted according to strict standards of decency. Women police officers shall search women and escort women prisoners.
g. Basic amenities and privacy shall be provided to women prisoners.

Juvenile Justice (Care and protection of children) Act 2000, is a human rights legislation and is enacted to lay down procedures whole dealing with neglected and delinquent juveniles. The following are some of he important aspects relating to handling of juveniles.
a. When a delinquent juvenile (Juvenile in conflict with law) if arrested for committing any offence, shall not be kept in lockup nor handcuffed. He shall be released on bail whether the offence is bailable or non-bailable provided an undertaking is given by his parents or guardians to take care of him and for production in court. If any body does not offer surety, he shall be forwarded to observation home pending enquiry.
b. To interrogate a juvenile delinquent with sympathy, care and caution.
c. Question the juvenile in isolation and never be authoritative.
d. Whenever a statement is to be recorded from a juvenile witness, to be kept at ease.
e. Do not launch security proceedings against a juvenile.

1. To inform the local police about the persons living in the area without any regular means of livelihood and living a lavish life or persons involved in any type of nefarious activities.
2. May inform the local police any suspicious activities, which may affect their safety and security.
3. The particulars of the domestic help and the tenants may be sent to the local police for verification to prevent entry of criminals and anti national elements in their houses.
4. To observe Traffic rules, and cooperate with the traffic police for smooth mobility and for avoiding inconvenience to others.
5. To adopt various home security and vehicle safety measures advised by the local police to prevent thefts and other crimes.
6. To assist local police in all possible manner for prevention and detection of crime and to maintain law and order.
7. Harassment to tourist by travel agents or taxi driers
8. Sale and distribution of drugs or psychotropic substances abuse especially by young members.
9. Activities which could potentially lead to disaster like handling of hazardous and explosive substances etc.